emet | אֶמֶת

emet ezell is a poet, writer, and performer from Texas, USA.

Winner of the Gloria Anzaldúa Poetry Prize, ezell is the author of BETWEEN EVERY BIRD, OUR BONES, as well as the guidebook to LIBERATION TAROT, a collaborative project published by PM Press.

A graduate of Southwestern University (B.A.), ezell majored in Ancient Greek and Feminist Studies. They have been awarded fellowships and residencies from The Vermont Studio Center, Tin House, Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference, Dom Słów (House of Words) and Pedvale Arts Center. They live in Berlin, Germany, where they write, edit, and teach poetry. ezell is also a recipient of the 2024 Literature Stipend from the Berlin Senate.

They curate a monthly newsletter and are occasionally on social media: @baruchdayanemet

selected poems

Foglifter: “Hurt” (2024) print only

Passages North: “Directions to the Jobar Synagogue” (2024) print only

Split This Rock, Poem of the Week: “Walking on Water” (2023)

Poetry Daily: “to find myself not-woman is an incantation” (2022)

Waxwing Literary Journal: “Return” (2022)

selected press

ezell interviewed on Latvian Television for “Sabile” (August 2023)

ezell’s “Sabile” featured in Latvian newspaper (August 2023)

ezell’s poem “Exercise in Remembering Home” recommended by Frontier Poetry in Exceptional Poetry From Around the Web (2023)

essays and book chapters

nGbK: “What are Legitimate Grounds for Claiming an Identity?” in German and in English (2024)

PM Press: “How to Queer the Grammar of the Body,” with Cassius Kelly in Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies (2023)

Fat Studies: You Don’t Have to be Jewish to Hate Levy’s Real Jewish Rye Bread (2022)

Latinx Spaces: How Much Attention Do We Give the Far Right? (2021), Baking as Activism (2021), Contending with the Shadows: On De-colonial Agency (2020), Disabled Artist Naomi Ortiz Re-Imagining Worlds (2019), Reflections Upon the Death of Laura Aguilar (2018)


the bird is a monthly offering of personal, political, and spiritual reflection.